TWiki Installer

The TWiki Installer will install a TWiki release to
If this is not the desired URL, move this script to the correct directory and load the page in the browser from the new location.
1. Choose a TWiki Release TWiki release to install
Select a TWiki release from the list below or enter a URL manually.
2. Set TWiki Settings
configure username
This is the account name to allow access to TWiki's system configuration
Be sure to pick a secure password!
verify password
Type in the same password again
This TWiki account will be created and added to the TWikiAdminGroup. A password will be automatically generated and sent to the email specified by WIKIWEBMASTER below
This will automatically set the TWiki webmaster email address WIKIWEBMASTER in Main.TWikiPreferences
perl (full path): (automatically detected)
You may also change it to a perl accelerator, e.g,. SpeedyCGI
3. Install TWiki! to /home/.bandmaster/wn/
After the installation, you can start using the wiki right away or configure it in more detail.